Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weekend at Mom's

From Mark:

I had a business trip to Philadelphia for SCTE trade show (Cable Television Engineers). The show went well, and then I visited an old business friend at his house in Lumberton, New Jersey. He and his wife made steak and lobster on the grill (awesome). Later that evening I drove to Delaware to visit Mom. Got there at midnight, but we were up until 3:30 am talking. Saturday morning, made scrapple, bacon and fried eggs. Then I did a few projects, and we went to the beach. Before we left, brother Woody called to let me know cousin Mary was passing through Chicago and wanted to stop by(unfortunate timing) He also laid a little picture homework on us (results below). Mom did a great job walking out to the edge of the water where we camped out for a couple of hours. I caught a few good waves, and then we headed back for a rib roast dinner on the grill. After dinner, we pored through old photo albums, then took a carrot cake break, and now I'm finishing my homework.....

1 comment:

gessen1958 said...

Man that one picture of Woody and the other guy he looks a lot like Paul McCartney! I am thinking it is your Uncle Woody?
