Wednesday, July 23, 2008

50th Birthday Lake Cushman Video

Here's the video footage from our weekend camping trip in Lake Cushman, Washington.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

50th Birthday Weekend in Lake Cushman, Washington

To celebrate our 50th birthdays, my high school buddies, Dave Garcia, Jerry Essenpreis and I planned a weekend camping trip to Lake Cushman, Washington. Dave has property near the lake with a full assortment of camping gear, including tents, floaty-toys, a campfire thingy, a boat, a tricked-out Winnebago, a camping stove, gas grill, running water, electricity and cell phone service. Thank you Dave, for inviting us to your beautiful spot in the woods.

The weekend started Thursday night with champagne at Dave & Liz’s house. The next morning, we were on our way to Lake Cushman. We stopped for provisions along the way and got to the site by mid-morning. After unloading our gear, we hooked up the boat and went in to Hoodsport to get our fishing licenses. We spent the afternoon cruising Lake Cushman and fishing (soaking bait). Later we went to Model T’s in Hoodsport for dinner. We played some pool, ate fried clams, had a shot of Patron, ate some pressure cooked broasted chicken, drank some ESP and then played a strange game of horseshoes. Since there were just three of us, Dave played “Floater.” Jerry scared some guests eating outside with his wild throws, but by the end of the evening, they were telling us jokes and laughing. We finished up around the campfire at around 1:00am.

Next morning Dave made us breakfast then we headed to the Hood Canal to drop in the crab pot. Unfortunately, the tide was too low and we couldn’t get the boat in, so we stopped off at Patti’s Seafood and bought two Dungeness crabs and a dozen large oysters. We threw that stuff in the frig back at camp, and reset to go fishing on Lake Cushman again. After a little hiccough with the battery, we were back on the lake. Still no fish biting, but it didn’t matter. Jerry and I took a swim and Dave played the watchful ship’s captain. After pulling the boat out, we stopped at the local market called the Lake Cushman Grocery. The array of video cameras in that store would impress the CIA but the most memorable part was the unpleasant disposition of the owners, so we began calling it the “Grouchery.” Later, back at camp the mega-feast started. First chips & salsa, then cheese and crackers, then oysters (raw and roasted) then grilled crab and finally enormous steaks and baked potato. We were all over-stuffed and didn’t last too long that evening.

On Sunday, we decided to go hiking in Staircase (part of the Olympic National Park). We hiked in a couple of miles to a place where Dave and Jerry said they usually crossed the river and headed down the other side, but the bridge was washed out. We walked a little further up the Skokomish River until we spotted a huge tree that had fallen across. We found our way down to it, and crossed the river. It took us a little while to find the trail on the other side, but we made it back without injury. This place was really beautiful. When we got back to camp, the wives had left messages that they wanted to have a barbeque when we got back to Poulsbo that evening. We decided to pack up the camp and head back so we could have a nice relaxing evening. Jerry’s wife Ruth put out a great spread and after dinner we played “Ring-toss” (washers).

I had a really great time and I want to thank Liz, Dave, Ruth, Jerry and especially my wife Katie for making this possible. You guys are very special people.